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Thursday, October 06, 2005


Eliora is definitely an outside kinda girl. Every day at 9am she goes to the gate between the entry way and the living room, grunts and sticks her feet through the holes. That means "Mommy, I want to go see the duts, the duts, mommy!!" (duts=ducks)
The past two days have been absolutely beautiful, and we've spent an hour climbing all over the playground both days.

I've decied there are two types of parents who take their kids to the playground:

A) The "Ok, you've got 10 minutes - go PLAY!" This type of parent does NOT want to be at the playground at all. They're also very embarassed by their children. I always try to chat with other parents or the kids if they're chatty. Some parents are just crazy about not wanting their kids to talk to anyone. And I think it's more because they're embarassed about what they might say. Kids are kids - they're proud of small things like climbing the monkey bars or going down the "big twisty."

B) The "Spend all the time you want, kiddo, we're here to have FUN!" This type of parent plays with their kids, going down the slides, telling them they're awesome at everything, and chatting with other parents that come with their kids.

I love playing with Eliora on the playground. She giggles and gets all excited about everything from climbing stairs, going down the slides to picking up sticks. This week there have been 2 type "A's" and 2 tybe "B's" at the playground. Eliora was thoroughly entertained by the two children of "Bs" - One little girl was so imaginative she kept wanting Eliora to be a "baby dragon" not realising Eliora has no clue what she was talking about. But it's fun - it's a nice chance to be outside and let kiddos just play.
So it's off to bed to gear up for another day of playground silliness. Maybe tomorrow we'll be tarradacktyls or maybe princesses...or whatever!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Rebecca! Am I one of the B's and my daughter the one who wanted to play dragons? LOL
I wouldn't describe myself a B type of parent but God is working that out in me.
:o) We did enjoy you and your daughter's company. Phewy now it's cold out! hehehehe


2:08 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

You're definitely a "B" you were actually ON the playground - not sleeping on a park bench! :o)

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually that was a first. I fess up. I usually sit and watch, like I said God is working the B out in me. I felt led that day to get on the playground I think mainly because for awhile there she was alone and asked me to play with her. But like I said ...confession time God is working on me. I know this may sound silly but I don't feel like I know how to play. Have I become that adultish? I know silly huh? God hasn't given up on me He is teaching me how to be a kid again. I'm getting a 2nd chance at childhood through my daughter for I did grow up to fast and missed being a child.
~*~ Behold He makes ALL things new again, new beginnings. ~*~

9:06 PM  

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