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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Swiftly go the days...
Isn't that so true? As I watched my little E on the playground this week I realized she has grown so much! Last summer she struggled to climb the steps to the slide, two summers ago she was just learning to walk. And now she's climbing all over, running and jumping and telling all kinds of interesting stories.
Tonight as I cuddled little Z before bed time I decided to revel in these moments. Snuggle him just a moment longer. Feel his baby-soft toes just one more time. Kiss those soft cheeks just another moment.
Just 2 1/2 short years ago E gazed at me with those same adoring mother-can-do-no-wrong eyes that he has. Now she's a "big girl" and doesn't need to cuddle (unless, of course, she does...) and doesn't need to hold hands (unless of course...she does...) you know what I mean. So independent, so dependent all at once.
The other night as I was complaining to my dear love about the lack of sleep little Z is causing he told me not to wish for him to grow up too soon. I thought that a rather silly thing to say just then, but it's true. Sleep comes eventually and so does another challenge. Once one hurdle is over, another one arises.
So for these few moments I will snuggle with my children and enjoy just one more sleepless night before they get too big for "huggies" and "zurbits".


Blogger Crystal said...

So precious! I have gone into Lili's room a couple of times after I had already put her down to bed, and pulled her out of bed and just sat with her in the rocker for another hour. mmmm.

6:26 PM  

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