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Saturday, October 08, 2005


I just read my friend, Kelly's blog and it inspired me to think even further on what she spoke about. She wrote about putting up walls in relationships because you always have to say goodbye and that is painful. You know what, I think we put up walls even with people we see all the time. One momentary thought...
I've been attending Grace Bible Church for 2 years now, and I am just beginnig to really get deeper into the lives of the ladies in the Church. It's like on Sundays we don't really want to talk about how the sermon affected us (maybe we just haven't processed it all yet) so we chat about clothes, or recipes or work or school or whatever. But those things are not the heart of a person. The heart is what's been affected by the message, how we are all doing on a Spiritual level - what our strengths and weaknesses are. Can we get past the exterrior and on to the interrior? I am sure most of the women in our church feel the same way. We all love the Lord and at other times share our hearts openly with each other. But it seems on Sunday morning it's mostly small talk. And I think it's a wall - not one we put up on purpose, but even in a loving congregation we want people to like us, want to affirm each other and take a long time to get around to the meaty stuff. That's why gossip is so easy a trap to fall into because it's easier to talk about someone else than it is to talk about yourself.
So I'm making my own challenge - because I'm the worst culprit of all when it comes to staying on a surface level only. I need (and want) to make myself available to people, to reach a deeper level each time we talk. So maybe I need to be the one to mention what I'm going to do with what I have just heard. Wow, that will be harder than I think...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so right my friend! You hit the nail on the head. I've noticed this for years...before rededicating my life to Christ and even after.
When will we get past the walls?
Tough thing to do...I struggle myself but I do know I long for real, pure friendships with the body of Christ. I'm tired of superficial relationships and I'm guilty myself of it too. Another one that erks me that I believe is a cover up for insecurity sometimes is I'm to busy to get together with you.


2:14 PM  

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