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Tuesday, October 18, 2005


"God alone has soverign rights...Democratic theory is no less unscriptural than divine right monarchy. By whatever means men come to positions of rulership - by dynastic descent, aristocratic family connection, plutocratic material resources, or by democratic election, "There is no power but of God" (Rom. 13:1). Furthermore, civil government is an instrument, not an end. The state owns neither its citizens nor their properties, minds, bodies or children. All of these belong to their Creator-God who has never given to the state right of eminent domain. "
(Robert Culver in "A Biblical View of Civil Government" [Chicago:Moody, 1974], 47)
**Quote taken from John MacArthur's commentary on I & II Peter, p.147**

When I Peter was written Nero was emperor of Rome. Yet Peter didn't say "Rebel! Demand your rights! Freedom of religion is a God-given right! Fight with the sword!" No, he said the exact opposite, he said "SUBMIT" why? because of what Romans 13:! says - "There is no power but of God." God was in control during the Clinton administration...He was in control in WW2. He is in control now in China, Russia, North Korea and Iraq.
It has been documented throughout the ages that at times of deepest persecution the church flourishes. I like what John MacArthur said (paraphrasing)
"If the government demands that I not preach, I will still preach because God has told me to. But if they come to take me away, I will not protest. I will not lay down in the middle of the street and refuse to go. I will let them handcuff me and take me to prison, because I am called to submit to those in authority over me." (said in a radio message about 1 month ago)
The apostles said "We ought to obey God rather than men." Yes, that is correct, but part of obeying God is obeying man's laws as well until it becomes impossible to obey both. God doesn't call for civil disobedience, boycotts and hastling your government leaders constantly. He doesn't want us to mock them - He wants us to pray for them, not constantly speak against them. They are not the enemy, they are the harvest field. They make decisions contrary to the scripture because they are unsaved - pray for their salvation.
I recently heard on the Christian station a evangelical leader saying he was endorsing some government figure "with great fear and trepidation." He was afraid of the judgement of God if he made the wrong decision - like he's in control of the country! GOD IS IN CONTROL!!! TRUST HIM! If you believe in someone, vote for them with all the knowledge you can - but don't fret and furry over whether or not your decision is going to have such great consequence - God is in CONTROL!!!!
If a dictator one day takes over America and great persecution comes, we will need to submit as much as possible to those in authority over us. But we need not fear - man can kill the body, but God is "Eminent domain" over our hearts and minds.
So if a law is passed you don't agree with - remember - GOD IS IN CONTROL!


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