Have you ever watched a movie that sets you dreaming of another time and place? Ok, so I watched the new "Pride & Prejudice" three times in less than a week and am anxious to get to the library and actually read the book, which I confess I have not done though it is considered classic literature.
There is something so appealing about the late 18th/early 19th centuries. Long dresses, british accents, proper placement in society and oh, yes, chivalry. The days when men referred to women as "Miss ______" and helped them in and out of the carriage. When the showing of an ankle was deemed inappropriate let alone a midriff top!
Oh, yes let us not forget the lack of deodorant, indoor plumbing and proper garbage disposal. Also the poor who were always dirt poor while the rich were abundantly wealthy.
But wouldn't it be fun to just live that way for a week? Just dwell in a society so different from our own? Ah, well, tis a dream far fetched for I live in a world where women prancing around in bikini's has lost it's shock value, everyone is free to speak their mind whenever they please, and to expect a strange young man to open a door for you would send him laughing on his way.
So perhaps we women no longer have to marry well to "make our way in the world."
And being so proper all the time makes sharing the Gospel even more "foolish" in the eyes of the world.
But truly I wonder if deep down inside some of the feminists of the 21st century there is not the desire to be treated like a lady - to be called by a proper name and be helped here and there by strong men simply because you are a woman. Oh, yes, I will gladly be called the "weaker sex" and accept all the chivalrous help given, for it is far better than having some young boy shout obseneties at you as you walk down the street simply because you are female. No, I would give much to go back to the days when "good" men were protected women rather than feared them stealing their jobs.
All this from Pride and Prejudice?? Perhaps I am over-analytical. But it is a good chick flick (and for a romantic guy as well, for my dear love has watched it as many times as I have).