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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Taking it slow

What better way to enjoy a drizzly Wednesday morning than by taking it slow?

This morning, bright and early E and I headded to the doctor to "hear baby's heartbeat." Since we only have one car, I ususally have a ton of stops to cram inbetween appointment time and nap time. But since the apt. was at 8:45 (which means quick in-quick out!) I decided that for once we could take it slow.
The library doesn't open until 10am, so I asked E if she'd like to go "out" for a snack. To which she replied with a big grin and "oohh yes!" So off to Timmy Horton's to share a bagel and decaf hazelnut coffee (for mom - not E). It was something simple, but she had so much fun just watching all the old people "talkin'" over their daily coffee & donuts. She sat there with a big grin on her face until she finished her bagel and I said we were going to go to the library. Usually I rush the library thing, too, only putting in a dime to the meter so we have 20 minutes. But I splurged :o) and put in a quarter, so we took our time. First it was mom's turn and I checked out such books as "Pottytraining for Dummies," (seriously) "Making Your Own Books" and "Space-saving Wood Projects for Around the Home." We chose the old Hailey Mills version of "Pollyanna" to watch if the rain doesn't let up and then it was off to the children's section. We played with puzzles and picked out books to take home (we've never taken kids books home because I'm always afraid they'll end up torn or missing) but E was so very excited to get some new books to read for a few weeks. So we used up our hour at the meter and headded off to do all mommy's errands like going to the bank, the fabric store, etc.
She was perfectly pleasant through all the running around and charmed everyone with her big grin. We still made it home in time for nap (actually in time to read all the "Mortimer Bear" books before nap time) and both of us in pleasant moods.
Perhaps this is so non-exciting for you. But it was just so nice to take it slow and actually enjoy a morning out and about on the town with my 2-year-old. I think the trip to Timmy's topped it off for her - feeling all grown up with mommy. I need to remember more often to take things slow and just enjoy every moment, taking the time to be an example and an encouragement while she is so young.


Blogger rachel said...

Sometimes those "slow" days are the absolute best days!

5:53 AM  

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