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Thursday, October 20, 2005


"EROS" is a Greek word for love - physical, self-gratifying love.
"AGAPE" is a Greek word for love - self-sacrificing, self-denying love

A couple weeks ago Pastor Bob said something that just jumped out at me. The word "Eros" is never used in the Bible. I remember doing studies on love and getting so confused about all the words for love and what is really love yadda yadda....But the only word used for love in the Bible is "Agape".

Our culture is awash in "eros" love (though I hate to even think of it as love). A physical, sensual gratifying "love" focused on self. It's seeped into mainstream Christianity I think mainly through our music. Tune into the Christian radio station and you can't always tell if the person is singing to a girl/boyfriend or to God. And I don't think it's always intentional. When we hear "love" mentioned we automatically think in romantic terms - that's our culture. So people are trying for this big emotional "experience" with God - trying to "feel" His love like they feel love for someone romantically.

But we are not called to love God romantically. We are called to love Him "agape" or self-sacrificially. My love for God is not like my love for Lukas. (Though I love Lukas with "agape" love). It is more of a parent-child love. Trusting the One who never fails, Knowing He has the best plan even when I cannot see it, knowing His discipline and correction is for spiritual growth. Loving and trusting Him like a child - like little Eliora loves and trusts me because I am all she knows.

I guess for a long time I was just confused because I sing these songs and they bring romantic thoughts to mind, but I just don't feel that way when I think about my Savior. I think of the woman who poured out perfume on Jesus' feet - out of utter thankfulness for His forgiveness of her sin. She was totally dependent on Him, not romantically attracted to Him. Or Mary sitting at His feet listening - the Teacher-student relationship. Again, not romantic, but love stemming out of reverential awe for the One Savior who offers forgivenss!

And now I understand that a small bit more. Oh to be like Mary and be able to sit at Jesus' feet and hear the Truth from His very lips! How powerful that is!


Blogger Camille said...

Wow, that is really interesting. I never thought about God's love in that light. I know that it is Agape, but I never thought to ask if Eros was in the Bible. What an interesting fact! Our love for God should be like Mary.


7:08 AM  

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