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Thursday, February 09, 2006

2 Timothy 2:15

"Study to show yourself approved unto God,
a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of Truth."

When Paul wrote these words, he was writing to a young pastor named Timothy. He was instructing him with how to deal with his flock. Another verse that stands out is I Peter 3:15
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts,
and always be ready to give a defense
to everyone who asks you a reason
for the hope that is in you,
with meekness and fear.
Peter here was writing to a group of believers who were suffering horribly on account of their faith. In both cases above, it is blatantly obvious what we are called to do - study so that we can know what we believe and why! I just finished reading a letter on a friend's blog from a teen in his youth group (he is a leader). It made me sad to see the emptiness there. The writer of the letter had no knowledge of why church was of any importance, and no knowledge of the true character of God.
As adults it is our responsibility to study these things - to know what and why we believe what we believe so that we can "give a defense for the hope that is within" us! As I read the blogs of many "church" teenagers I see the same emptiness. Oh they go to church, some are children of pastors. Some go to Christian schools. But most are empty. Many have no faith - no grounding. Is it their own fault? Perhaps...we are all responisible for our choices that go against God. But what of parents? What of youth pastors and leaders? What of pastors? What of Christian school teachers? Are we giving them the "reason for the hope" that is within us? Or are we giving them a list of "distinctives" or "dos & dont's" without really giving them the why? Do we know ourselves why we believe and do the things we do?
We cannot wait until tomorrow, the next generation is here - is passing us by every day. If you don't give them the answers they are looking for - if you don't know the what's and why's they will look somewhere else. They are already looking somewhere else.


Blogger Dawn said...

If only I could go back and change my mistakes...but I cannot.
You have this time to do what is right with little E. May you always have the wisdom to focus on what is most important.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! Rebecca, Amen! Your love for the Truth is such an encouragement to me!

8:32 AM  

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