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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Too busy

"I'm just so busy"

"I don't know where the time went..."

Do you find yourself saying this at the end of the day? I so often do. Last week a dear friend reminded me of these thoughts. That we in 21st century America are so busy with stuff we neglect the "One thing needful" as Kregel would say. At first when she said that I was like, oh yeah, so many people are busy doing "the Lord's work" they don't have time for the Lord. But then as I thought about it more, that's not really what she was saying. She was saying we're busy doing our own thing. Shopping...cooking....cleaning...reading...blogging...looking in the mirror...whatever. So busy we neglect to spend time with the Lord.

I hear you my sister, loud and clear. As I went though the past week I was amazed at how much time I really do have. But I feel like I have to be constantly moving - cooking something, straightening up, re-organizing, etc. I'm more exhausted now at the end of the day sometimes than when I was "working"! I realize some things are necessary, of course. But how much is too much? That's not really a hard question, really. When I don't purposefully make time to read and pray, then I'm too busy.

I wish I could put scripture in here, and I'll try to come back to this later, but even right now being online has gone on too long and it's tie to click the "off" button. But in reality I do have the time and if I'm "too busy" for someone or for time with the Lord, it's not because I'm busy with needful things, but busy being busy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just that but sometimes we get so wrapped up in activities outside of family that we neglect family and what does scripture say on that?

1 Timothy 5:8 (King James Version)
8But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

That hurts our family and our witness. We could loose our family
and what kind of witness would that be?

We can get wrapped up in activities that God doesn't want us involved in that produce little or no fruit hence "business" not productive just taking up space or time. I believe there are ministries out there in churches that God never called forth that are eating away at resources: people's time, money, energy when God wants them to die because they are not bearing fruit they are just plain business.
I believe there is a order to things God, family, then ourselves, then the world. If we don't meet the needs of our family who will?

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogging isn't neccessarily bad if there is balance and you are heeding God's voice. If your child is hungry and you are refusing to feed your child because you want to blog for
two hours that's wrong. Moderation
is key! Blogging can be a useful witnessing tool therefore used in moderation with the control of the HS it is a awesome tool! Everything good can be used for harm if not used in moderation!

4:09 PM  

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