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Friday, January 13, 2006

"Children are an heritage from the Lord"

Oh how true that verse is! I can't believe God has given me this little treasure to teach and care for. Such an awesome blessing to be able to watch my little girl get to know the world around her.

With the past few beautiful days of sunshine and warmth, we've been headding out doors for some walks around town. Eliora loves these walks! She loves to touch everything from dirt to pine cones and listen to the sounds - cars going by, birds chirping and dogs barking. She mimicks all the sounds and then giggles with glee. Her vocabulary is growing every day, and until last night I thought she must be an absolute genius!

Last night her little friend Kaylee came over and she's doing all the same things - so I guess Eliora's normal :o) But for us mom's watching our first child grow is just amazing. Last night was pretty fun, too. At first Eliora was just not sure about this other little person her size playing at her house with her toys...but as the evening progressed they ended up sharing toys, sharing "Bubba" (kaylee's baby brother) and actually hugging long enough for a picture to be snapped before having to part.

At the same time it causes me to pause and feel a twinge of sadness. She's not yet 2 years old, but every day she's gaining more and more independence from Lukas and myself. She's learning to play with other kids, climbing all over the playground, and communicating her needs and wants. Sometimes I just want her to cuddle in my arms all day like when she was a newborn. Oh, she still cuddles for a few moments, but then she wiggles out of my grasp to go find something more interesting.

So now I find myself having to let go bit by bit - let her climb the playground....let her play with a friend....and find myself praying more and more that the Lord open her eyes at a young age to her need for Him. Mom and dad can only do so much, and be faithful stewards of this precious treasure. But she is in the Lord's hands and there are some things I cannot control...I must let go...


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