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Thursday, February 23, 2006

"The Simple Life"

Due to a random trip to the library and taking out a book on tape, I've been lost in PA Dutch country via my imagination for the past couple weeks.

There's something strongly appealing (yet, I make my disclaimer - theologically wrong..I'm not endorsing the Amish religion here...) about these people who live on dirt roads, working the land and surviving without electricity, indoor plumbing, "worldly" entertainment, etc. Yes, I dare say the thought of living in a close community raising a slew of kiddos and working the land has a strong appeal to this city girl. My hubby would like growing a beast of a beard too!
Perhaps it's just my desire to escape the reality of an ever-changing world. To me waking up every morning, putting on the one style of dress I own and going about house chores, not worrying about whether or not my bonnet is of the latest fashion or what I'm going to do to occupy my time (or my toddler) today, it sounds like a dream life. Living close to family and friends, cooking, baking, quilting and taking care of my hubby and kiddos.
Ah, yes, my dear hubby has said it a million times - we were both born in the wrong century. (though I do enjoy indoor plumbing...)
So I'm off to finish the last book in the series...while my supper cooks in the crock pot and the bread machine kneads my dough for supper rolls. Funny how we can imagine and desire certain things but don't put too much effort into making it a reality.

Oh well. Maybe someday, if it's the Lord's will, my darling will be able to work the land around our log bungalow while, barefoot and dressed in a flowing cotton dress, I hang clothes on the line and chase pigs and chickens back to the barn. So much for the city girl I always thought I wanted to be.
But for now I'll let the Bread Machine work and enjoy the ease with which I live...might be easier to dream about these things than actually try to live them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, have always been drawn by the Amish way of life and PB and I have taken many rides down those dirt roads since we were first married to admire their way of life. Since I was a young girl I felt I was born at the wrong time, and as I look, and listen, and live in this increasingly wicked world, I still long for the simple life. Yet our Most High God does not make mistakes as you well know and in that I find comfort and purpose as we see the Day approaching. Thanks Rebecca! for sharing and bringing honor to our great God!

5:49 PM  

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