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Sunday, November 25, 2007

The deal of a lifetime...

Yesterday we took a detour home and stopped at Lehman's, a store in Ohio specializing in necessities for life lived off-grid. Wood stoves, non-electric appliances, Amish tools, Oil lamps, etc. Upon venturing up to the clearance level we discovered this:

The James Hand Washer for all your off-grid clothes washing needs. This washer is usually $450.00. But we got this washer for (drumroll please...) a mere $50!!!!!!!!!! To those of you who have no desire whatsoever to live off grid, this is not very exciting. But it was like it had just been waiting for us! I've searched ebay, classifieds all over for someone selling a used one of these and alas, here was a used one (but hardly used from what we can tell) fully intact at the store way marked down. Wooo Hooo!!!!
So anyways...I do not know if in the future the Lord will give us this desire we have to live out in the boonies (or the not so booniesh boonies) but if that never happens we can at least wash clothes the "green" way! But just the way it worked out, it's like the Lord was saving that one washer just for us. I used it this morning and it's as good as it says!
And by the way...Happy late Thanksgiving! Hope the turkey was good and everyone is rested.


Blogger Crystal said...

How neat! How ambitious! You will have to let us know who it works in the long run :) Thanks for all your sweet comments - it is good to have you back :)

6:15 PM  

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