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Friday, November 04, 2005


Ok, lately my heart has been very saddened on the state of the church...here are some comments made by people I know on their opinion of their churches:

"...people don't talk to me outside of the "social circles" in which i find myself. if you can consider work and the five minutes i'm in the church building exchanging trite cliches and next to meaningless plesantries "social circles"

"I compare this high school to my church. On the outside it looks fine and the people are doing the right things. But if you dig deeper the corruption goes all the way to the top. Same thing in my church. All the deacons do not show up on Wednesday Night prayer meeting, unless they have to kuz there is a meeting. Same exact thing with the trustees. AND these are ourexampls? I'm ashamed these days, to call [name of church], my home church. Where I go. Where I was raised. I think at the next deacons meeting, I'm going to ask for my membership back. I don't want any part of this."

I haven't asked their permission to quote them, and I doubt they read this so perhaps they won't mind. The reason this makes me so sad is that I felt the same way for so many years. But the problem is TRUTH!!! and TRUTH MATTERS!!! If the TRUTH is not affecting people's lives then they don't care about the flock or "studying to show oneself approved unto God." These two quotes are from young people...and you know what they are crying out for? TRUTH!!! I heard a quote the other day on a program I actually can't stand but it was a good quote...I think it was Josh McDowell speaking and he said teens come up to him all the time and say "You know, our youth leaders think all we want is to eat pizza and watch movies, but we really want to know the TRUTH about the Bible." TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH
Ok, last fall this young speaker from BBC came to a camp rental retreat and spoke on Sanctification to high schoolers. You know why? Because he was MAD that when he was in high school no one addressed the "Big words" of the Bible. When he got to college he had to re-learn (or really learn for the first time) what it meant to really be a Christian!
If you want a church that stands for TRUTH give me a call...I'm not just trying to plug our church but I'm like that speaker, 2 years ago I began learning for the first time what it is to be saved, to have joy in salvation, to be filled with the Spirit and what true fellowship is all about! TRUTH!!

"I am the way, the TRUTH and the life, no man commeth unto the Father but by me."
- Jesus Christ (John 14:6)


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