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Friday, November 18, 2005


Nightmare on My Street!

Ok, laugh at me now folks, this has been the week of insanity.

Start out yesterday morning - never so glad to be married to a plumber as yesterday. Toilet totally overflows all over the bathroom floor!!! So I quickly stick Eliora into her playpen and call Lukas frantically going "what do I do???? it won't go down!!!!! It's all over the floor...HELP ME!!!!!" So finally the plunger works and the waters recede. But what an awesomely gross mop up job! The bill for the plumber...Cinnamon rolls and a kiss goodbye :o)

THEN Eliora and I head to the library to get a video or two. Suddenly as we enter the video room she releases from deep within the most horrifying scream you ever heard - I'm sure they heard it down the street. Apparantly she couldn't reach a video on the shelf - sheesh...So after selecting whatever videos were in plain sight and appeared non-questionable we headded out, getting questioning looks like "Man, lady, why do you bring the kid to the library?" So I point my face toward the door and don't look back. None of those old men understand anyways....

THEN last night I had to go pick up Lukas who was hunting at Dave's place. The roads were icy and our tires are SO BAD. I was going uphill at about 30 mph when Lukas called my cell phone and I started to slide toward the ditch, caught it and then over to the other side of the road - slipping and sliding totally convinced that this was the end, crying into the phone "Lukas, just ride down the road with Dave...I'm...slipping...ahhhhh....oh no....ahhh...um...you really need to....ahhhh....change the .....ahhh tires!!!! So I get myself together and back down the hill in neutral until I see the truck comming. Woe. Totally not going to drive again until the tires are changed.

THEN this morning I decided to make cinnamon rolls so I turned on the oven to 450 and started mixing. All ready - open the oven and AHHH!!! My big PLASTIC mixing bowl with butter softening for cookies is IN the OVEN!!!! (which has been heating for 15 minutes...) So of course I freak out because I'm so good at that and spill melted butter into the oven which then burns and smokes up the entire downstairs, sets off the smoke alarm and about puts me to my limit. And it's only 8:00am....

So I put in Helmut Lotti singing "From Russia with Love" at full blast which eliora is captivated by and proceed to clean the oven and make a big pot of coffee. I think that this afternoon we'll just chill - read books and play in the snow.
Right now I'm ready for a nap - how about you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Becca! Nikki Jane here...sounds like a crazy few days. Hope all is better soon!! Take care.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know the feeling dear...know the feeling! (hugs)

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for plumbers!!!!!!!!!
God bless them!It's a messy job and bless their humble hearts for being willing to do it and the wives who help clean up after! :o)
The guts in our toilet died this morning so our toilet overflooded!
Yucky!Luckily hubby was here to help me clean the mess. Good motivation for hubby being we have a toilet on porch and tiles and he has been meaning to redo bathroom for some time now so now his next project will be the bathroom being we have the stuff instead of spending 20 on guts. And it looks like I'll get my new bathroom. That's why we had the toilet and the tiles on the porch in the first place because bathroom needed redone. lol (hugs)

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, yes- I remember a sort of, similar incident when you were probably another year older than Eliora. The 1950 bathroom in the 1923 house on Jackson Avenue had a tub that would drain at the rate of a gallon/hr. (good gas mileage, but not to good for a drain). So, upon placing all my strength on a huge pipe wrench, securely wrapped around the drain pipe in the bathroomn floor (second floor like yours)--I couldn't budge a thing. So (Lukas can relate to this) I added the 2 inch galvanized 18 inch pipe over the handle of the pipe wrench. This time, she turned!
In fact, she turned the 400 pound cast iron tub..yeah. Then the pipes in the floor ruptured. Next thing I heard was Ahhhhhh--what's this yucky stuff coming through the kitchen ceiling onto my kitchen table!!
...I called Grandpa Ralph Chambers...Mom and you went off with Jeanie Perkins to Indiana or somewhere. Angela ( at 5 1/2) made sandwiches for two days as Ralph and I ripped the entire bathroom out....(2 years later, I finished the finishing of the finished new bathroom..However, the new tub, sink and potty went in real quick before you and Mom needed a bath days later).
It gives a new meaning to Bon Voyage when you see a toilet or tub overflow!!
Poppa DE

5:26 PM  

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