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Saturday, November 12, 2005


For the past two weekends on some early Saturday morning program on the radio they've had this woman being interviewed about a book she wrote about how to get along with your mother-in-law. So it got me thinking man, I must be an odd duck - I get along great with my mother-in-law. In fact I consider her a near and dear friend...along with the whole in-law family. But in light of all this mother-in-law angst there is in the world, and since it is her birthdy on Monday, here are the top 10 things I love about Ma Emmott:
(and no, this is not buttering her up....she would love me anyways...)

10. She can make some mad good apple pie!!!

9. Even though she doesn't like to cook, her family never went hungry even when money was extremely tight throughout the years because - hey, get this - she was thinking of them and not herself. (btw - she's a really good cook - see #10)

8. She talked with her boys (3 of them...) about all the things most moms neglect to talk to their boys about...and my husband is definitely a better man because of it.

7. She was an art teacher - Rock on! Some day she'll (hopefully) be able to teach Eliora all kinds of artsy things.

6. She can sew/crochet/smock/embroider/paint/etc. just about anything and it all looks beautiful when she finishes - way better than any craft show stuff (unless of course he stuff is in a craft show...)

5. Ma & Pa Emmott have been married over 30 years and they love each other and are an awesome example of a Godly couple.

4. She has good advice and knows how to give it so you really think about what she says.

3. She (unlike some of the angst talked about on the radio) has never told us what to do, how to raise our children, yadda yadda, she's a friend...not a nag...and that comes naturally to her.

2. She loves the Lord with all her heart and studies His Word faithfully.


1. She's beautiful from the inside out and well, Lukas, Eliora and I love her very much!


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