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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Rainy Day Thoughts

Ah, yes, friends. Fall is on it's way out the door and the cold winds of winter are bursting through. It is snowing right now, though it's too warm to stick to the ground. The wind has been howling off the lake and rattling the back door so it sounds like someone is trying to break in. And perhaps someone is...perhaps Old Man Winter is knocking on my door and I'm rather reluctant to let him in. Yet, I can't wait to have Eliora play in the snow - that will be so much fun!
But in the mean time Eliora and I must amuse ourselves within the house. As we were sitting in front of the window, me on my knees at the chest reading the penny saver and Eliora on her stool looking over my shoulder, I unconsciously patted her on the back. So she thought that was pretty neat and patted me on the back for a while, too. Life is good when you're 1. Lightening? Howling wind? Rain streaming down the window panes? No problem. As long as mom's ok, life must be just fine.
So now she's down for a nap, curled up with a picture of mommy and daddy that's almost 8 years old - but she found it amongst some things I was cleaning out this morning and said "Daddy!" and wouldn't let go of it for a second. Eliora just loves her daddy. Every morning she chants "dad-dy, dad-dy, dad-dy" as he heads out the door to work. Then I let her stand on the chest and wave out the window as he gets in the car. In the evening, no matter how upset she is with me (which she usually is mad that I'm making supper and not playing) the minute he walks in the door she's all smiles and daddy's little giggly girl.
Today has just been special...it's only 11:00 but when she awakes at 5, 11 seems like a day to me...There's no going to see the "duts" today, so I've been playing more than usual. She loves it when I sit on the floor and she stands behind me. When I turn to either side to see her she just cackles so loud! She loves to be chased all around the house, too, especially if I'm on my knees, right at her level. She hasn't realized yet that headding into the kitchen only gets her cornered by the fridge - Tickle time!
So i'm sure after nap time she'll be all geared up for more excitement...hopefully I will be too...


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