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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Brought Low

He's brought me here, where things are clear, and trials turn to gold.
He shared with me, His victory, He won in days of old.
Oh Lord, I don't deserve, the riches of your word,
But You've changed my filthy rags to linen white as snow.
The view from here is nothing near to what it is for You.
I tried to see Your plan for me, but I only acted like I knew.
Oh Lord forgive the times, I tried to read your mind.
Cause you said if I'd be still, then I would hear your voice.
My Lord, my King, my urge to sing and praise the things above.
No words can say the glorious way you changed me with your love.
He's brought me low, so I could now the way to reach the heights.
To forsake my dreams, my self esteem and give up all my rights.

With each one that I lay down, a jewel's placed in my crown.
Cause His love, the things above, is all we'll ever need.
He's brought me here, where things are clear, and trials turn to gold
Keith Green - Trials Turn to Gold
Today was one of those days that the Lord had to bring me low. No great trial or anything - just some inner pride that had to come down - way down. Still reading in I Peter and reading about submission and humility. Just when you think you've got something down - "oh yeah, i've got that one under my belt." The Lord shows me how much farther I need to go. Sometimes it's like I want to say "But Lord, I know I'm right on this one...I have rights!!!!" Yes, He says, you have the right to be submissive, humble and obedient. The Christian walk is about self-sacrifice, not self-esteem. But you know, it's not crushing to be brought low, it's awesome because like that song says - when you're brought low, then you reach the heights. I don't know why (well, yes I do - it's called sinful flesh) I struggle with certain things when I know that when I'm being obedient to His word life is so full of joy and peace.
"It's all about YOU, JESUS...
It's not about me as if You should do things my way,
You alone are God and I surrender..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're very right sister!
God brought to me just the other day God is not interested in our comfort He is interested in the Christ in us the hope of glory being worked in and coming through us and being spilled out onto the lives of those we come in contact with! We as individuals and well meaning brothers and sisters in Christ want each and every one of us to be exempt from pain and suffering.
You know it is one of the
enemy's most powerful tools but you know now and then God uses it to refine, rebuild, and mold us into beautiful creations of grace for without the thorn you'd have no rose, without the cocoon you'd have no butterfly. without the storm you'd have no rainbow. I guess we need a little dose of the yuck now and then to remind ourselves of the muck in which we were plucked!

Gold refined through the fire!
We're going to be butterflies one day my friend! Flying high with Jesus in glory!

1:54 PM  

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